Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 163 (28 weeks pregnant)

A girl I follow on Instagram, and sometimes I read her blog (I hardly ever read blogs anymore!) is 30 weeks today, she's due on AJ's birthday. I thought, "OMG! I can't believe my first baby will be FIVE in just ten weeks. That's soo soon!" And my next thought was, "OMG! Two weeks after that my last baby will be due." Oh goodness.
My first and last babies.
Twenty eight weeks:
- This kid has been taking jabs/elbowing/kneeing/whatever the hell out of my left side. Ouch!
- I feel bigger and bigger every day. Like really, I can't believe my belly could possibly get so much bigger, even though I've gone through this before. I feel like it's about to burst!
- I ate a ton of cereal when I was pregnant with AJ. Ordinarily, I eat a bowl of Cheerios here and there for breakfast. This week I've eaten soooo much Frosted Flakes. They're the best thing ever.
- I am so, so, so tired.
- My skin is back to being gross. Basically I'm repeating my first trimester, minus the nausea. That part I hope doesn't decide to come back!
- Even though it's flying by, it really is, the last few days I've felt like the next twelve weeks are going to drag. It's getting hotter, while I'm getting bigger and more uncomfortable by the day. I try not to complain about it since I'll most likely never experience this again, and I want to enjoy every little baby movement and life as is before these huge changes, but some days I just want to whine! And I think that's totally okay too. :)

1 comment:

  1. I ate lots and lots if cereal when I was pregnant too :) is even eat it in the middle of the night!
