Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 177 (30 weeks pregnant)

I'm twenty-nine today! Yikes. My last year in the twenties. Nuts.

My morning started off with a text from my brother (it's always a surprise when he remembers birthdays!) and one from my mom saying she was on her way with muffins. Lucky me! :) We had a nice girl's breakfast: Mom, Rae, Rian and me.

Aiden wasn't going to be dropped of til around 2:00, so Ri and I just had a quiet day at home. Jeanette stopped by to see us and I got lots of calls/texts/facebook messages. So much love! Steven had a meeting tonight, so he surprised me with an ice cream cake last night.

He was bummed when he found out AJ wasn't home.

When I turned around and saw the candles, I thought "whoa!" they totally took me off guard. Since around the time Aiden's been born, I've had a hard time remembering my age. Sometimes I have to think about it! I guess that's when you realize it doesn't matter anymore, because you're just getting older. I could live without the changing body and wrinkles, but other than that, my life has only gotten better the older I've gotten.

30 weeks!

Today's June 26th, I found out I was pregnant December 26, I've known about this baby for exactly six months, for 26 weeks. They've gone by soo fast! I can't believe after this week, my weekly countdown will be in the single digits. Ahh!

- Some days I feel really, really big. And not just in the belly area, everywhere.
- My hip pain is surprisingly better. Still there but not even close to as bad as it was, there was a point where I didn't know how I'd be able to walk at the end of this pregnancy! I'm beginning to wonder if the stress of watching a baby that cried all the time had anything to do with it?
- So much hunger and so tired! I haven't been getting much sleep though, up all night peeing and with a baby that likes going nuts once 11pm hits.
- My feet hurt by the end of pretty much every day.

Today's had two huge reminders for me how quickly time passes. I was looking at old pictures and watching old videos earlier. There was one from about five days after AJ turned three, him and Rian were doing puzzles in his room. They were so cute and so little. At that time I thought they were so big! Aiden has the cutest little talk, talking about going to Papa's to play with his truck and taking Daddy an Icee with Papa. And everytime Rian (20 months at the time) put a piece in the puzzle, she'd shriek "I-da-di!" ("I did it!") with so much excitement. There was another one from the same time period and Aiden was telling me he got Rian her boots for her, he called me Momma. It was so sad for me when he made the Momma to Mommy transition. Really, it was! And at the end I told Rian to tell him thank you and she says, "Thank you, sissy!" I totally forgot she used to call him that! :)

My babies
(July 2011)


  1. Rebecca- they are so so cute! Times does go by way too fast. I took a couple videos this week and realized I never take videos! I need to take more so I can always remember their sweet little baby voices!

    And you're right- getting older has always made me sad but life just keeps getting better and better! I love you! Happy birthday!

  2. I am so in love with you and your family.
