Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 176

Story Time at the library started a few weeks ago but because I was babysitting, then we were out of town, we weren't able to go until today. It was the kids' first time going to the library, I was so excited to take them! I've always been a huge reader and I love that they are too. :)

We got there early so I got them their own library cards and we browsed the books for a few minutes. Story Time was fun! She started out with singing songs, read a book (today's theme was dinosaurs), sang more songs, read another book, and closed with more songs and parachute fun- I loved the parachute when I was little! Both of the kids were shy and didn't want to sit on the carpet with the other kids, Rian stood for a few of the songs but Aiden just sat. Hopefully they warm up next time. Afterwards they chose and checked out their own books.
Steven's dad has to work tomorrow afternoon, so he asked if he could pick them up today instead. Rian didn't want to go. This girl! Stuck to me like glue. We ran a few errands, started dinner and made muffins for tomorrow's breakfast as supper cooked.
We're fairly healthy eaters (I grew up that way, Steven didn't eat many fruits or veggies til the last couple of years) but the last six months or so we've been so much smarter when it comes to our food than we used to be. We buy as much fresh and organic food as we possibly can. What's going on in the food industry these days is insane and so, SO scary. I wish I lived where I could grow my own food. :\ My dream more so now than ever before. I should add that we're not perfect, and definitely have our weaknesses to junk/unhealthy food! But we're getting way better.

Chocolate chip banana oatmeal muffins.
-3 mashed bananas (the riper the better)
-1 cup vanilla almond milk
-3 cups oats (not instant)
-2 eggs
-1 tbsp baking powder
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-3 tbsp mini chocolate chips
*Bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes
So easy and sooo good. And super healthy! The texture might put some people off though because the base is bananas and oatmeal, so there's nothing "cakey" about them.
They're so delicious.
AJ ended up spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's so we had a nice, quiet night with one kid. They're so different when they're not together. Life with one kid is so easy, can't imagine how crazy my house will be when the baby's about six months old!