Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 179 (Iced Peach Green Tea)

Our summer's starting out way hotter than it usually does. August is typically the hottest month and we're already getting those temperatures, our high for the next two days is supposed to be 118-120. OMG.

Around 3pm, I started feeling sluggish, I usually do lately. I needed a pick-me-up! I'd been hearing a ton about the new Starbuck's peach green tea and really wanted one, but not bad enough to put the kids in the hot car and drive there. Too much work for this hot and tired girl!

I have green tea (always) and I had peaches, so I Pinterested (that sounds funny! Pinterest, the new Google. :)) a few recipes and ended up combining a couple.

- peel and chop a fresh peach
- added the peach and two tea bags to the boiling water, boil as long as the tea bags say, along with some honey
- blend together
- strain the mixture (I guess I could've left it, but I wanted a smooth drink)
- add a bunch of ice or put in the fridge to cool

So easy!
So refreshing!

1 comment:

  1. So yum! I've never added the fruit while boiling! But that makes sense! I'll have to try it like this next time! But I always keep the fruit in to munch on, haha! At Starbucks, I have them add the dehydrated raspberries, too!
