Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 200

Rian always gets in bed with me when Steven gets up for Fed Ex, I swear her body has an internal alarm clock! I was so surprised when I opened my eyes and saw it was 8am. I don't remember the last time we slept til then. It was cloudy and wet when we woke up, we missed rain. Boo. Rian asked for donuts for breakfast, I couldn't say no. They sounded yummy and I didn't feel like cooking. We drove up the street to the donut shop then came home.

She took the biggest bite ever!
Afterwards we ran a few errands. I loved how cloudy it was, but the humidity. GROSS! I felt awful later that day. I was hoping my nausea wasn't making a third trimester return, but after a nap I felt so much better. I think it was from the donut. :(

Helping Daddy get through his work day: emojiis and pictures!
I started doing some stuff for AJ's birthday today. I felt like it was the least excited I've ever been for crafting. Even after my nap, I was dragging. That was probably why I just wasn't so into it.

Soon-to-be mom of a five-year-old and three kids.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures on this post! Rian probably loved having mommy all to herself :)
