Aiden said LOTS of funny stuff when he was two but this coming year things are about to get hilarious.
He saw a picture of me with a huge pregnant belly and looked so concerned as he asked, "Is that your belly button hanging, Momma? What happened to your belly button?" At bathtime he was sitting on the edge and he told me he was at the beach. :)
Today we finger painted for the first time. Thank goodness for nontoxic stuff because of course the first thing Rian did was taste it and she wasn't pleased! She didn't want to paint but Aiden loved it. Can't wait to have artwork all over. Afterwards we colored. Yesterday the pediatrician drew a circle and had him do one too, he got the pen and in one stroke started making huge circles all over, scribbling but in circle motions- which I guess is what he was supposed to do. So he's all about circles now. I drew one for him and he traced it. Tracing is such a good starting skill for drawing and writing, I was impressed.
We also played Memory, he did soo well with six cards but when I added two more, he was lost. Funny how his little mind works. He's been so bossy and independent lately. He has to do everything for himself and if I call him my baby he says "No I'm a big boy." :(
Yesterday I got the kids each 3 pairs of Carter's jammies [Aiden's are 3-piece sets] for only $38 and saved myself $103! Love good deals.
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