Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Looking back

On Sunday when we went to my parents house, I asked my Dad if he could plug in their old hard-drive so I could look at pictures from Aiden's birth [I also took it home with me so they're now on my computer!] I love looking at old pictures- I got teary-eyed and laughed a lot.

Picking my teeth.

I wish I knew what we were talking about!

I took this on my Mom's camera and haven't seen it since. Pregnant with Aiden.


 I didn't notice my belly at first!

My baby shower

This makes me laugh!
This is when I was at 10cm and I had to wait for the doctor to finish his c-section. The pressure was horrible and for some reason I thought if I held my butt, it'd help. That stupid oxygen mask was so annoying!

The first picture of me and my baby.
[I love it, regardless of how fat I look- omg!]

Aiden spent his whole first day on my chest, skin to skin is such an amazing feeling with your brandnew baby.
[I totally got sideburns when I was pregnant!]

Hahaha what a little old man


The first picture I took with Rian. I was only about 12 weeks when I got my belly with her.

There are a ton more, mostly of Aiden. We didn't have the internet til he was almost one so I'd load all my pictures to my Mom's computer then it crashed. Thank God they were able to get everything back!


  1. I literally just about pissed myself with the picture of you holding your butt. Steven's face is so funny! I love the pictures of brand new Aiden. P wouldn't let me put her down for the first 24 hours or so of her life and we spent our night and most of the next day skin to skin. I miss that! You were such a cute preggo. Tori is on #3 so I think it's time for you guys. :)

    Oh and I wish I knew what we were talking about too!!

  2. I like your preggo pictures. You didn't post much when you were pregnant. They made me smile. You need another baby.
