Sunday, October 23, 2011

Big boy bed and Pumpkin Patch

I was a mess yesterday morning. I couldn't even think about Aiden's bed coming, I had to stop myself from bursting into tears so many times. Finally I just let myself cry- full on, ugly face cry. And then I felt better. I didn't expect to be so emotional about a piece of furniture but its his last baby thing. I snuck into his room and snapped a picture of his last time sleeping in it. Even Steven went and looked at him when he got home from work.

Here it is!

Its awesome.

My in-laws did such an amazing job. We loove it. Aiden's been so excited, he keeps talking about it. He looks so tiny in it.

Its a sturdy bed, Aiden busted his chin on it this morning. He came out screaming and when I saw blood my heart stopped and my stomach dropped. Its deeper than a normal cut but thankfully not worth stitches. Scary.

We went to the Pumpkin Patch for a little bit yeserday evening. Geoff and Jeanette met us there with their little friend Carson, who they were babysitting. So cute! I left my memory card plugged into the computer, thank God for cell phone cameras! It was HOT. We went a couple of hours later in the day last year but we wore pants and I even put sweatshirts on me and the kids. Why is it still so hot?!

These are the only two pictures I really care about getting every year-
Family picture & sibling picture.
So I was happy!

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