Monday, November 21, 2011

The Mommy who stole Christmas...

Well, sort of.

After thinking long and hard about this, we've decided not to buy the kids any Christmas presents, from us. They'll be getting a few from Santa though. Let me hear it, "Oh. Em. Gee. Is this lady for real?!"

They have everything. And the last thing we need in our small house is more toys. And beyond that, they're at such an impressionable age, its the perfect time to do it. I don't want them growing up with a "Gimme, gimme" attitude when this time of year rolls around [or any other time.] Christmas is about so much more than presents and I want that ingrained in their little brains. I don't want to raise a bunch of greedy brats!

Everything is becomming about presents these days, its so ridiculous. People think they need a gift/reward for everything. Recently I read on facebook that somebody bought her husband a "Sorry for being a raging bitch for the past nine months present, a guys' version of a push present." Oh geez. Push presents are so stupid. Isn't the gift at the end of all of that the BABY?! At least that's what my push presents were. :) Anyway...

I'm guilty of it too, I get the kids stuff for Valentine's Day, etc- times when its unncessary. I do fun things during most holidays [fun foods, crafts, etc.]- that's what I want them to remember, not what was given to them. I read this in Parents magazine this morning and it gave me the assurance that I'm doing the right thing, "If you're building Christmas around shopping for gifts, that's what your child will think the holiday is about" -Dr. Kasser. It says to instead emphasize with traditions that don't cost money, which is exactly what we'll be doing this year.

Its not going to be like this every year. But right now, while they're so little and learning what everything's all about- its the best time to do it. And all the stress of thinking of what to buy them is gone! Plus I don't have to waste a bunch of money on useless crap. I think its a great decision. What I really want to do when they get old enough to comprehend, is donate gifts every year to the places around town that take donations. I want my kids growing up not only knowing how blessed they are, but actually seeing it.

Christmas isn't going to be ruined, they're going to do everything else we'd normally do, except open a million presents from Mom and Dad on the 25th.


  1. I think this is great! Jenn takes her girls to the xmas trees around town to pick out a gift to donate to someone else. Geoff and I do this, too, but to see a child being taught this tradition from such an early age is heart-warming. When I was little, we could never afford gifts and would go to shelters/giveaways to get our one xmas gift. So even though this isn't the case at all, it really makes me smile to think that I am surrounded by awesome parents our age that are raising our future to pay it forward.
