Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday night.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about things I used to do with my Mom, namely: masks and hot oil hair treatments. We did them alllll the time. So tonight I busted out my old Mary Kay stuff and got to it. [Its so old, like high school old. But it smelled the same and had the same texture, hopefully my skin doesn't fall off!]

While I was applying it, I started thinking about how it'd been so long since I've done it, then it hit me- it was exactly a year ago. Us girls did it in the hotel the night before J&G got married, their first anniversary is tomorrow. :)

So this is what my lame ass did tonight: masked, painted my nails and looked at outfits I wished were mine on Pinterest. I really need a night out. I love being able to stay at home with the kids, but every now and then I just need a night off. To dress up and feel like I'm worth more than yelling, cleaning and wiping butts all day.


  1. Too bad we don't live close & we could go out together!

  2. I tried commenting so many times so hopefully this time is the charm!

    You are so good at remembering dates! Love that. Looking forward to our date!
