Friday, March 23, 2012

Armoire, etc.

I've been so bad at updating lately. I decided to not follow through with the 30 days, I thought some of the were kind of dumb plus I wasn't doing it everyday- so there, you had 8 days of me!

I've been on the hunt for an armoire or a hutch for the kitchen to use as extra storage/pantry- people are crazy! Selling them for around $800 and brandnew ones are at least $1000. Last night I found one online, not only was it decently priced but I also loved the way it looked. I couldn't even sleep last night thinking about it!

So pretty!

When I first saw it last night, I thought I'd want to paint it, but now I don't know. I like the way it looks now. It definitely needs shelves. And I'm thinking about cutting the inner pieces of the top doors out and adding chicken wire, so you can see in without them having to be open. I'm so excited! Another thing on my mind: pink kitchen chairs! Ever since I saw a picture on Pinterest, its been on my mind. I really want to paint ours. Pink's my favorite color and we need more of it in this house! :)

Yesterday we finally saw some birds eating from the feeder, now our backyard is the happening spot. They've almost emptied it! They're messy though- they've dropped so much seed on the ground and in the flower pots. Its funny that the first day of Spring came and now theres a ton of little birds and butterflies all around- the kids are so excited by it. :) We planted sunflower seeds last week and they've just started to come out of the ground. They were the first flowers we actually planted, instead of buying them and potting them, so it made it extra fun to see them pop up.

The kids have little colds again so I kept them home on Wednesday. Thankfully my Mom asked to take Aiden to the movies today, so I'm getting a little break. They're driving me bonkers! But I love them.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, how pretty! I enjoyed the 'days of you' posts! :] Thanks for sharing!
