Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Its always a bummer when our weekend's over and Steven's back to being a busy bee.

Saturday we went to a birthday party, the kids had a lot of fun. I was planning to go by myself but Steven ended up getting off early- yay! I have to single-mom-it to so many things because he's always at work. It was nice to have him there.

Afterwards we had pizza with his Dad. His Mom was out of town visiting Rebecca and her family, we always have him over for dinner when she's gone. Since we were already out, we went over to his house instead. While we were there, Rian started acting weird, a few minutes later she said she had to use the bathroom and she pooped on the potty! But she was back to going in her underwear yesterday. I.don't.get.it. Hopefully she gets it soon, gross!

We got invited to another birthday party on Sunday but decided not to go because the kids needed naps after staying up late and waking up early. We ran some errands, had lunch out, then relaxed in the backyard and grilled- it was windy though. Wind is so annoying. I love going to my parents house on Sunday but sometimes its nice to just be home- the four of us.

Earlier that day Steven got to work on the armoire- surprisingly! I have such a loooong list of To-Dos for him and he has no time between work and doing his own stuff, it was pretty shocking he got to it so fast. Lets see how long it takes him to put the shelves in haha.

Love it!

Yesterday he spent the day off-roading and shooting with one of his friends that was in town, I went grocery shopping by myself. We always go together, I hate grocery shopping! The kids make going alone super challenging but they were really good yesterday. Steven has vacation time [paid!] that he's been using on Tuesday mornings so he gets to stay up late with me on Monday nights. :)

My boys.

I had to get Aiden new shoes this weekend- size 9! [Didn't even know they were on sale til they were rung up- love when that happens!] He's getting so big but still so little. He can still fit into most of his 2t clothes but I recently took it all out of his dresser because its so stuffed. I bought him his first two 4t shirts last week, can't believe he'll be four this year. Rian was in 2t last summer and still fits in all of it. I'm glad I don't have to buy her new summer clothes but it makes me sad she's not a chunk anymore!

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