Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The kids are still with Grandpa so I figured I'd update about our morning real quick.

I was looking at the bunnies on the fridge and thought we need to do a new craft! I went through my "Kids" board on Pinterest and saw sidewalk chalk paint- perfect! The one I pinned, she smashed the chalk with a hammer than added water, didn't want to do that because they always use their chalk. So I googled the recipe, its soo easy. I should've added more food coloring so it was brighter though.

They loved it!

 I painted Aiden's hand and Rian saw me, she wanted me to do hers and after three handprints, I told her to do it on her own. She spent so much time painting her hand and making prints- cute. It was especially cute when she painted her hand, then pushed down on the one that didn't have paint on it. :)

Their masterpiece... well our's. There's a little more to the right but I couldn't get it all in.
[I color-boosted it so it'd show up better.]

Aiden ended up in the pool so I put their suits on and we hung around outside and they had lunch.

His applesauce dripped down and he was eating it off of his chest- made me smile.

We still had time til naps so I decided to workout. I don't like doing it during naptime like a normal Mom, that's my breaktime! I don't want to spend it working out. So they laid down and watched Barney.

Made a new recipe from Pinterest tonight- oven-baked chimichangas. Mmmmm they were SO good.
[the recipe calls for 6 but I ended with 5 because my first one was huge.]

I topped mine with El Pato, tomatoes, olives, cilantro, sour cream and homemade guacamole. I'm so stuffed!

1 comment:

  1. I love all of your posts.

    I want to do sidewalk paint with Ryan! He also ate food off his tummy the other day and I giggled.

    I like them snuggled in grandma's blankets. Our babies loooove blankets :)

    And those burritos look amazing. I want one!!
