Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10

A pretty uneventful day, I like those. :)

After we took Aiden to school, we ran some errands then did some cuddling on the couch. Rian fell asleep about 20 minutes before we had to leave to get him, I don't like waking her up. Plus she gets grumpy!

Steven's dad offered to take Aiden to soccer practice, yes yes yes! The week before Rian was running all around, getting in the way so I wasn't exactly looking forward to it. A few minutes before he got here, the wind went craaaaazy. (Knocked a big branch off of our neighbor's tree) As soon as they drove away, I got a phone call that it was canceled. So he came back and got Rian and took them to his house to see Grandma. A nice little break for me!

Our highs this coming week are going to be in the 50s! Aiden's game is at 8am tomorrow- eek! It's going to be freezing, our wardrobes aren't prepared for this!


  1. YOUR HIGH IS IN THE 50S?!!?!!? WTF! Ours are still mid 80s! WAAAAAAAH

  2. I wish Papa and Grandma could pick up Ryan! We have 5 days scheduled for the highs to be in the 40s! I hate the cold.
