Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7- boring post!

Every night after Aiden's bedtime story, I lay in his bed and we talk for a few minutes. Last night we were talking about what we wanted for breakfast: he said strawberry waffles and I said a bagel (which we didn't have.) Around 7ish, I opened my eyes and Steven wasn't in bed with me, Rian was. I went back to sleep for another 30 minutes or so. He was at the store getting bagels and cream cheese! Se sweet. :)

Aiden had school for a couple of hours, he was so happy to go back! Him, Steven and Rian basically spent the entire day outside while I pretty much spent the entire day on the recliner with a stomach ache. Blah. [Update a few hours later: Steven is feeling horrible, looks like the flu may have hit our house. I might cry. :(]

Besides cleaning the kitchen, doing some laundry, going to the store (because for some crazy reason, our mattress sheets always ended up thinned out and shredded on Steven's side) for new sheets and contacts, I've been like this:

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