Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 65 (14 weeks pregnant)

14 weeks! I can't believe we found out about B3 exactly 10 weeks ago. The first two weeks after we got those two pink lines felt like they dragged, I felt like I knew for months. Since then though, it's flown by.

I decided to also do a bare belly shot this time. 

I feel like every day it looks different. Yesterday it seemed like it was hardly there, maybe its because I don't have much time to look in a mirror. And maybe its because I'm getting used to it being there. But today, hello! :) So far I've gained two pounds. I've been eating healthy, for the most part- now that my nausea is gone, and we go on our walks. I want to add in some strength training and cardio but by the time Sean leaves, I'm exhausted! (Our laundry piles are ridiculous.) I started out 8 pounds heavier than I did with Aiden and 11 pounds heavier than I did with Rian (I was at my healthiest and fittest after I had my second baby, hopefully it happens again and stays after my third!) so I'm trying to not eat whatever I want and maintain a healthy mindset throughout my pregnancy. I gained exactly 40 pounds with both of them. Eek!

I'm still getting really bad headaches, I'm guessing they'll be around for awhile. I've totally weaned myself from caffeine. I only drank one cup of Half Caff before, but in the beginning when I wasn't feeling good, I didn't drink much coffee and that's why I thought I was getting the headaches. But now I'm drinking decaff and still get them sometimes. Oh well. Its better for me to not have it anyway. I never drank it to wake up, I drink it because its yummy! And my face is so broken out. :( I feel like a teenager- gross! This pregnancy has been totally different in basically every way from my other two!

I got a cute little surprise when I picked AJ up from school today:

"I'm the Cat in the Hat, Mommy!" 
(his yellow whiskers are hard to see)

They ate green eggs and ham. He's sooo into Dr. Suess right now. He told me Thing 1 and Thing 2 better not come over here while I'm gone. haha. And last night, "Mommy, my Cat in the Hat face washed off in the shower, I need it back on." Love him!

We were at a stop light on his way to school and he said, "There's the restaurant we went to with Grandpa, Grandma, Great Grandpa and Great Grandma." He was talking about Outback where we went for Steven's Grandparent's anniversary last year. So smart! I'm pretty sure it hasn't been talked about at all. The really weird part is, today is their anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. Aiden is so sweet!! I love his little hay and whiskers. And I love your belly- I think time is flying by!
