Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 112

AJ's been really into puzzles for almost a year now. He's really good at them! His teacher has also noticed and mentioned it to me a few times. He has three floor puzzles that he does all the time, over and over and over. For Christmas my parents got him this Toy Story puzzle that changes pictures depending on how you look at it. Both my dad and Steven had tried it with him but couldn't do it for too long, they said it made them dizzy. My sister was over a few weeks ago and she did it with him. After that, he could put it together in no time. It was a regular puzzle, not a floor one, with 48 medium-sized pieces.

Earlier I was cleaning the hall closet (its always a disaster in there!) and came across a box of 8 puzzles my parents got us. Three of them are 300 pieces and the other five say 150 or more, for ages 6+. The kind of puzzles with the small pieces. Later after dinner and baths, we sat down to do one.

I helped him with the boarder, the rest was all him!
And he did it in about an hour. Nuts!
I call him our little puzzle master. It's crazy watching him! He just looks at a piece, looks at the puzzle and puts it right in. His brain has always amazed me. :)

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