Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 124

Every day Rian waits to feel the baby move, poor girl's patience is wearing thin! She now yells, "Wake up, Baby! Move!" haha love!

This morning while I was making my grocery list, I was watching The Pioneer Woman. I looove her! (It's totally normal to dvr cooking shows, right?!) She was making chicken strips, so I added them to my list!

Soaking in buttermilk
Add a little buttermilk to the flour and seasoned salt so it gets clumpy
FRY (exactly why they're so yummy!)
Homemade honey mustard and chipotle mayo

I thought I made way too much, but they were a huge hit! There were only about 5 strips left. With homemade coleslaw, yum. Steven said making them was a mistake, he already wants more. I've done homemade (baked) chicken strips before, but these were by far the best ever. Maybe I'll try the same method, but bake them instead and see if they're still good. 

1 comment:

  1. Rian's so sweet!!

    I want to try this recipe- it looks so good!
