Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 144

Last day of preschool, already! AJ started two months late but still, it has gone by soo fast. These last few weeks I've been thinking about how unsure I was those first couple of days. I honestly didn't like it. He loved it from the start, it just took me longer to feel the same. I'm so happy he was able to get in! It's been nothing but the best thing for him and I'm sad that it's ending... over.

All week I'd been planning to cut flowers from the backyard for his teachers. I cut them about an hour before we had to go and wrapped the stems with a wet paper towel and foil. They started wilting right away, so I took it off and put them in water but they weren't getting any better. I had no energy to drag all three kids to the store, when I told Aiden what was going on he said, "But you have to." in such a sad, sweet little voice. So off we went, I got them wrapped and with their "Thank you" tags on right in time for us to leave for school.

I loved watching him give his teachers their flowers. He's always so cute about it. They told us we could come 30 minutes early because they'd be giving out certificates and we could take pictures and stuff. Of course I got into the car and tried not to cry, then texted Steven, so sad he couldn't go.
The kids were sitting in a group of chairs, they sang songs then they each got called up to get their folder and hug their teachers. They got a certificate, class picture, class autographs, copies of pictures throughout the school year and a bunch of papers that show all of the progress they've made. So cute.
Then it was time for pictures and people started leaving. Aiden got really weird. I wanted a picture of him with his teachers and I had to beg and bribe him for one. Right before he walked up for the picture, he said, "Mommy I feel like I'm going to cry." My sweet little boy. He was so sad to say bye. :( We both stood there holding back our tears. We're going to miss those ladies so much!