Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 152

June already! Didn't this year just begin?! And now it's already nearly halfway over. Wow.

Yesterday I started soaking almonds for homemade almond milk. We drink it like crazy around here, but it's so expensive! It was super easy to make. It has a different flavor from the store bought kind, which Steven loves, so he wasn't a fan of the homemade version.

My mom also told me that they add the calcium in, so the homemade kind has barely any. The whole purpose of milk! I was pretty bummed to hear that. I also don't know if it's cost effective, awhile ago Steven brought home a ton of raw almonds from work and they've been in the freezer ever since, so I already had the almonds. It was fun making it though!

After breakfast and some cleaning, we headed over to my parents' house to swim. The pool was still a little cold for me but I got in anyway, of course it didn't bother the kids! They had fun swimming and running around picking fruit from my Mom's trees. She has a bunch of fruit trees/plants but right now the apples and nectarines are what's ready, so yummy!

Steven ended up getting off really early, 11:30! He said he told me but I don't remember, he probably didn't. So we went home, had lunch then grocery shopped. I was so happy to have him with me, the kids have been awful the last few weeks I've gone by myself.
The rest of the day was spent hanging out inside. It's soo hot already. :( Once the heat hits, I always feel like we weren't outside enough when it was nice!
Happy Saturday!