Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 167

On Friday we did some easy, fun crafting for Father's Day. Our guy loves sweets and I found cute sayings to go along with two of his favorite candies.

I found a printout for the kids to fill in the blanks about Daddy and we put them inside their cards:

Play on his head is because she's always hugging and grabbing his head.

AJ must've been overly excited, even though I swore them to secrecy, he spilled the beans when Steven got home from work that night. He took him to our bedroom and told him there was a bag with stuff in it for him. Ha that little butthead! I was so sure that if either them of told him, it'd be Rian!

Friday night, early Father's Day!

We also spoiled him yesterday and took him a giant Starbuck's drink. We love letting him know how much we love and appreciate him!

I had a horrible night's sleep last night and since Aiden was up early, we headed to the store to get some breakfast foods that we didn't already have so we could make Daddy breakfast. (Later that day my Mom asked him if he made Steven breakfast in bed, he replied, "No I made it in the kitchen, but he ate it in his bed." :))

Made with love!

There's something so special and amazing about the man you love being a Dad. I hear a lot of people on the radio, etc. saying Father's Day is pretty irrelevant but I disagree. This guy's worked his butt off for almost 5 years, right before he became a Dad, so he could provide for his family. He gives and does so much for us. When we first became parents, we definitely had a rough time finding our way. We're stronger because of it and I couldn't ask for a better Dad for my kids.

We love him!

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