Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 174

As I said a few posts ago, Rian is back to her extra clingy little self. She's been going to church for a few months now, but this morning she was back to crying the entire time I got ready and didn't want to go. Well, she didn't want to go to the kid's church, she wanted to go in the big one with me. Which wasn't happening! So she cried.

AJ went home with my mom afterwards, and her and Rae took him to watch Monster's University.

Which meant I spent the day giving my girl lots of cuddles!
Obviously I love the fact that she's crazy about me, but it worries me for her future, like her first day of school- yikes! Or trying to get her involved in activities. She wants to be with me every single second. She was perfectly fine with me babysitting, I hope she's the same when our baby gets here.

She was playing with my hair, I love that she's at the age she wants to do it! And it made me fall asleep. I could feel her still doing it, but was really surprised when I woke up and looked in the mirror! It made me laugh!
Hairsyles by Punky

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