Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 186

My plans for today were to buy a few outfits to have on hand for the baby. The pile of newborn and 0-3 month stuff I have, for boy or girl, is so tiny:

(I also have another small pile of onesies I made and that were made at my shower.)

Originally, I thought I'd go buy clothes after the baby gets here and we know who s/he is, but the more I thought about it, the worse that idea sounded. Having a newborn is already hectic as it is, but I'll also have to be taking AJ to and from school every day, that alone sounds tiring! I don't want to have to go shopping too.

So I wanted to get a few things that I'll leave the tags on and have somebody, probably my Mom, wash for us while we're still at the hospital. Then return what I don't need another time. A few months ago, the entire baby clothes section at Target and Kohl's was nothing but cuteness. That was a moment when not knowing the gender was actually hard. I was super excited to get some things today!

But. There really wasn't much I liked. Bummer!

I love the set of yellow and white pant rompers. Eek!
What I have will get us by til I need to go out and get more. Except before baby comes, I'm going to rebuy "Going Home" onesies. The two that I picked out are huge. I was comparing them to other newborn onesies and they're pretty much the same size as the 3-6 month ones. I need something way smaller!
While we were out and about, I saw a few things for AJ on sale and thought I better start shopping for school. Kindergarten shopping- wah! :( He's going to be in a uniform, the other color is royal blue, but if you get the blue shirt it has to have the school logo. I'm going to check them out sometime soon.
He'll still be stylin!
I didn't love the uniform idea at first, but now I don't really care. I'm not looking forward to it for Rian though. Boy uniforms are what a lot of little boys already wear, girl clothes are cute and fun! Girl uniforms, not so much. Boo.


  1. I recognize onesie 2,3, and 4 :)

    I'll send my mom with some newborn boy onesies just in case! And if you need more ill send more. Soooooo super exciting!!!

  2. I'll put things aside this weekend for you so you have them on hand! I'll go for the gender neutral stuff since Oliver's clothes can go either way lol!
