Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 205 (34 weeks pregnant)

Six weeks left... 42 days! Wow.

My butt seems like its getting flatter as my belly gets bigger.
Some days I feel so ready. I don't think I look that big, but I feel so, sooo big. I can't even remember what it feels like to not have aches and pains. Then other days, I just want to keep this baby in there forever! No not really. I'm just trying to cherish every single day with this belly while I have it.
I haven't thought too much about labor, when I do, all I think about it the baby coming out. But this week, I've started getting a little nervous about it. I know I'll get through it, I've done it before twice, but it's still such an unpredictable thing. I just need to go back to focusing on the entire reason for it: meeting this little love bundle!

We went to the library this morning and one of Rian's picks was "I'm a Big Sister." She's so excited. She looks through it and says its her and the baby. I can't wait to see her with her new brother or sister. My (notso) baby's going to be a big sister!

1 comment:

  1. Notso :) Jessica darling!

    Love you and that perfect little baby belly and that baby in it!
