I was lazy with Aiden's birthday party this summer and super lazy with Rian's today. I usually love picking a fun theme and crafting for them, but these last two I have no energy for all that! I walked down the birthday aisle and let Rian pick some decorations for cupcakes with the grandparents. She chose Doc McStuffins, of course! I always get them birthday shirts as well, for Aiden's, I ordered him a "5" patch and loved it. It was so cheap and easy! But with Rian I was extra, extra lazy and didn't even do that! I felt bad, but thankfully remembered seeing a Doc shirt at Old Navy and prayed so hard they were still there.
Celebrating this wild child.
It's taken me quite a few birthdays to be able to sing Happy Birthday to my babies without wanting to cry. But today, I was back to it. I don't know what it was, but I got that lump in my throat and my eyes burned with tears as soon as the singing started. I just couldn't. So I stood there smiling like a big dork.
She was giggling the whole time, it was the cutest.
This picture made me laugh when I uploaded the pictures to the computer.
Aiden blew out her candles and Rachel snapped the perfect reaction photo!
We relit them for her!
Four. (tomorrow)
Two things:
1. I'm kind of loving this easy (lazy) party thing! It's stress-free and just as fun! People ooh and ahh over all of the crafting but really, it takes so much time and sometimes money for all that. I'm starting to realize I like the simplenss of just a few decorations, even if they are store bought! That's all that matters to the kids anyway. And people coming over to celebrate them. And of course, the presents. ;)
2. The night of her party last year, I instagrammed that I was fighting baby fever so bad. And Asher was already in my belly! We just didn't know it yet...
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