This weekend we had Aiden's fireman/fire truck party- fun!
He was in no mood for a picture at this time.
The kids woke up that morning with cold symptoms- ugh! Of all the days.
But the party had to go on. :)
Some of the decorations. It was a fun party to craft for! And super awesome because my Dad's a Fire Inspector, so I got all the stuff for the goody bags from him. The fire hydrant cups are my favorite! They ended up being way bigger than I expected.
We had all of our family over and of course, Titi- who is family too. Geoff couldn't come because of the colds, we missed him. It was a fun night!
And the best part...
A surprise from a "Fireman!" My dad brought over his turnout clothes. It was soo cute when Aiden saw Steven. :)
5:12am... officially 4! FOUR!
I hung ballons in his doorway last night for him to wake up to this morning. He was so excited! When I saw him, I said "Happy Birthday, Bud! You're four!" And he said, "Now? Now I'm four?!" He's been waiting and waiting to be four.
He had his well-check this morning. I didn't even think about it til yesterday morning, that he'd be getting shots on his birthday. I felt so bad when I realized it. :( When I signed him in at the office, I put his age down as 3. Oops! He was good, but started acting soo goofy when the doctor came in. Don't know what was up with that!
[32 1/2lbs, 40 1/4 in]
Super surprised that he gained 4 pounds this last year! He's now in the 25th percentile in weight, when he turned one he was in the 5th!
Four year well checks are a little different than the other years have been. They gave him a seeing test and a hearing test- you know, the kind where you wear the headset and raise your hand when you hear the beep on either side. He had NO idea what was going on. Must not be a big deal because the nurse, nor the doctor seemed to care. He can clearly hear. He also had to do a urine sample. Weird. I asked why and they said to check for infections, sugars, etc. Hmmm. Holding a cup for your little boy to pee in is something that's never crossed my mind before!
They also gave him one of those paper gowns to wear:
He wasn't having it! "What's this? I'm not wearing it."
So he finished his exam with flying colors! The doctor told me I need to get him learning on identifying the alphabet and numbers. Oops. Something I wanted to start on years ago. He knows like two letters. :\ He'll learn fast though! He knows how to spell his name outloud if you ask him!
So then, he thought he was waiting for the doctor to bring in some stickers.
He looks so happy!
But really, it was time for shots. :( 5 total. Four regular and a flu shot. Poor, pooor guy. As she was prepping the stuff, he said, "Mommy I'm scared." :( I had to hold him on my lap. By the third one, he said "I want to go home." Ugh my heart broke. The 4th and 5th he started yelling at the nurse to leave him alone. It was so sad. I felt extra, extra horrible- its his birthday!
So I took him out for a doughnut.
My sweet, crazy Aiden James, the one who made me a Mommy. I can't believe you're 4! You're the light of my life, my little cuddly fire cracker. [So many contradictions, I know. But that's my boy!] I love every little thing about you. The way you protect your sister when she's getting in trouble, your siren sound, your big feet [size 9-91/2], the way you look when you're eating, the way you love your family. I love that at any given time, I can look at a dresser, bookshelf or table and see a bunch of your cars all lined up because you "parked" them that way- you've done that for as long as I can remember. How tough but sensitive you are, how you talk to everybody at the store and give them your big huge smile, that you ask to pray at night, you're SO in love with Daddy- you get soo excited when he gets home from work. Sometimes you guys go to sleep together at night, you always cuddle Daddy. :)
Mommy and Daddy love you sooo very much. You've taught us so much about ourselves and each other. You're such a special boy. There is no me without you.
You make me the definition of proud,
taught me what this life is really about