Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 334

Last night Steven took the kids over to his parents' house so they could spend time with Uncle Mike before he left. So tonight was the first night we brought out the Christmas jammies!

Can't believe tomorrow it'll be December!
The best time of the year.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 333

We decorated the tree this morning, I didn't get any pictures though. Boo. Actually I don't think I've ever taken pictures of it being decorated. Definitely a must for next year.

Two days ago, Steven found out he's finally started his new position at Discount! He's so excited! I'm really happy for him. But because of our hospital bill, we're unable to afford the insurance his new position offers, so he's staying at Fed Ex so we can keep our insurance. He'll be going straight from one job to the other, five days a week, instead of just one or two days like he does now.

Hopefully once our bill pile starts getting smaller, he can leave Fed Ex. The VP he talked to (they did a conference call) told him this was start of his "job" becoming a career. So exciting! :)

We made him cookies to celebrate.
(PS: if you don't have a cookie dough scoop, you NEED one! It was my first time using mine and I can't believe it waited so long to buy one!)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 332

Three, out of the four, things I'm most thankful for.
My life would be nothing without the craziness and love these littles give me.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 331

I try my hardest, but do it every. single. year.

I always try to wait til Friday, but fail. At least I didn't put the tree up early this year! If I hosted Thanksgiving at my house, I'd be able to hold off, but we're gone the whole day anyway.
Loved adding a new stocking this year! I love Asher's stocking, I think I'll get the kids some just like his too, I've never really cared for theirs.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 330

Thanksgiving break starts a day early for us, thanks to an ear infection!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 329

So, while I was talking to Marsha about my nipple, Steven was picking Aiden up from school. I was at the pharmacy and they asked for a prescription card (Huh?! We always get AJ's allergies meds there and have never been asked for one.) I knew we had one, somewhere at home, that we got about two years ago, so I came home to look for it. Ha! Steven told me Aiden had been crying and saying his cheek hurt since he picked him up. He had a 101 degree fever. I didn't find the card, but after calling the insurance, they gave us the needed info and I went back to Walgreens.

When I got back home, Seven took Rian to the store and he got a haircut. Earlier I'd give Aiden an ice pack for his cheek. We had NO idea what could possibly be wrong with it. I now noticed he had it on his ear, instead of his cheek, and asked him if his ear hurt. He said it hurt inside. I thought it was a long shot, but I googled "Ear infection with cheek pain" and it's a common thing. It was 3:50pm, I called his pediatrician and they asked if I could be there by 4:15. I hopped in the car with the boys as fast as I could.

In the waiting room, I nursed Asher. I left in such a hurry that I forgot my cover, thank goodness I had an undershirt so I could cover myself with my top shirt. I don't care if other women don't cover up, but I prefer it for myself. It was my first time nursing in a public place. (Thankfully there was nobody else waiting, so I didn't really need to worry about being covered anyway.)

Anyway, as soon as she looked in AJ's ear, she said, "Oh yeah! That's gotta be painful." She was surprised that it was his first ear infection with how bad it was. So for the third time that day, I headed to Walgreens. What a day!

Yesterday he climbed a tree for the very first time.
And we heard him count to 100 for the first time (made me teary eyed.)
And today, his first ear infection.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 327

Guess who took all three kids grocery shopping, all by herself...

That's right!
(They were given candy at 9:30am, but who cares!
I did it and they behaved.)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 326

Another one of my Adventures in Breastfeeding...

Friday morning I woke up with a burning nipple. I knew right away... thrush. Ugh. I spent the entire day reading stuff on Google, hoping, praying, crossing my fingers that it wasn't.

Saturday, it started getting itchy. It didn't bother me too bad while Asher was nursing (which is the main reason I kept changing my mind on whether it could be or not) until I noticed two white bumps. I paged the midwife line and Julie called back. She told me to keep it clean and dry, blah blah blah, things I'd already been doing. And if it got too bad, to call Monday and they'd fit me in. (I got my IUD put in last Monday and already had an appointment the following Monday, which turned out to be a blessing of a mess-up.)

By Sunday morning, I couldn't take it anymore. Everything I read, and J, told me that Gentian Violet works, so Steven went out and got some. I read some iffy stuff about it and was really nervous, but since I was using such a tiny amount and my nipple was so bothersome, I went for it. I used it once, then started using my Mom's homemade yogurt instead, to hold me over until the next day.

It was already feeling better, definitely not 100% though, when I went in for my appointment. When I talked to Marsha about Mirena, I could've sworn she said she'd have me back a month later, but she circled "week" on my checkout sheet last week. When her nurse saw me, she was wondering why I was back so soon! It turned out to be a mistake, but obviously, I was so thankful for it. Marsha prescribed me a cream that I'm using twice a day for seven days. Ahh sweet relief.

Even though it's been one thing after another, (I've had more plugged milk ducts than I can count!) I'm so glad I'm still breastfeeding and going strong! I've even gotten Asher to latch onto my "bad" side this week. Even though it doesn't produce much milk anymore, I still have to pump it so its' not rock hard and painful, I'd much rather nurse him than pump. So some days I don't pump at all!

Almost to the three month mark. Each month I get to, I add another to my goal, so onto the four month mark we go.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 325

I hardly use my actual camera, I need to!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 324

I've kept my kitchen clean and uncluttered since Saturday! 
That means I'm finally finding balance in my new normal. Took almost three months, but I'm finally getting there. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 322

So in love with this little face!

Bum eye and all. :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 320

My busy boy was off to visit Adrian til tomorrow with my parents. He's always gone! I miss him, a lot, but he's having the time of his life spending so much time with his family and friends.

Right after we said bye to brother.

Rachel sent me this picture:
Cuzzies and best friends.
Today Asher met Auntie Beck, Uncle Tim and Jake. Jake was crying, I think him and Ryan were fighting, and I said "Come here." He picked up his blanket and let me pick him up! I was holding Asher at the time, but he had no idea. A little while later, Jake noticed him. He peeked over with the sweetest expression, he looked amazed! He liked looking at his little cousin. I can't believe we didn't take pictures of it! We had a fun night at Grandma's house, too bad Aiden missed it.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 319

Could it get any cuter than this?!

Don't think so.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 318

Ryan's in town, spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. Kathy needed to go to the store, so he came over to play!

He's also coming over tomorrow when Grandma goes to her doctor's appointment. It's fun having him here! I love that he knows who I am, that Rebecca talks to him about us, so much so that he felt completely comfortable staying with me. Love him.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 317

My boys look so alike, especially when they're sleeping!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 316

Titi and Oliver got this lovee for Asher.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 315

I had five Cabbage Patch Kids growing up, I loved those dolls! I was so excited to buy one for Rian when she turned one. It was a "surprise" gender, you didn't know what it was until you opened it. Her's turned out to be a girl. She played with that baby and her other dolls off and on, but all of sudden, almost three years later, she's finally so into her CPK! I love it.

She named her Allison and she changes her clothes in the morning and at night into her jammies.

She even nurses her. :)
And has me hold her so she can go in her room and pump. lol!
They're together all.the.time.
Although, I don't really love when she wakes up crying in the middle of the night when she can't find Allison. Sleep is so precious these days!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 314

This morning Geoff, J and Oliver came over for a visit. I love watching our kids together. There's something so special about your closest friend's babies.

Love this little man.
Our friend AJ and his girlfriend, Lindsay, were in town so they stopped by too. It was pretty fun having a house full of friends! Hasn't happened in quite awhile.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 313

I gave Rian some of my old purses, instead of getting rid of them. She's always been into purses. She takes one to the store almost every time we go. 
Today she was going to school, camping and shopping, so she needed four. :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 312

His first time ever growing a mustache... I'm not so sure about it.
But I love him anyway.
(My bougainvillea is so gorgeous this time of year!)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 311

He loves being outside!
On the days he starts getting fussy around dinner, I put him in his swing outside while I cook and the kids play out there. I'm lucky it's a good time of year and I can have the doors open, otherwise I'd have to listen to him cry while I cook! He's content as can be out there... til it's time to come in and eat. I swear, he knows when I'm about to eat! I've yet to eat dinner without holding him. Momma's boy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 310

Tomorrow Michael's family heads to their new home, so we went over for dinner and picture taking. They'll be back for Thanksgiving! It's our year to eat with Steven's family and one of his brothers is coming from L.A., the one time of year he gets to come, so hopefully we'll still get to spend time with Adrian and Gabby too.

My parents were loving this!
A loud house, full of kids. :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 309

Mornings with these two are my favorite.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 308

My beautiful boy's two months old today!

Our insurance didn't receive the fax we sent of his birth certificate, so he was dropped and I had to cancel his well-check. :( He'll be put back on at the end of the month. I got on the scale with him and he's just at 12lbs. He smiles up a storm and is starting to laugh, he's laughed three times in his sleep.
Two months later and most of the time I still can't believe he's here. That he's mine. My last little baby. He's so amazing and I love that I'm getting to experience things with them that I never did before. He's the best. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 307

We were all sitting around the table talking and Rachel peaked in at the boys, who were watching a movie.
Cousins and best friends. :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 306

With Asher not nursing on my right side, I used to alternate pumping and nursing throughout the day and night. Now, I pump three times in a 24 hour period. Sometimes more if he's taking too long to wake up, I hate risking getting a plugged milk duct. I get them WAY too easily, it sucks. So now that I'm pumping less and nursing more, this kid loves being on my boob!

Which is how we spent most of our Saturday.
(I took this with the front facing camera, he's nursing on my left side.)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Day 305

We spent the day at my Mom's, except driving back and forth to pick AJ up from school.

I thought Adrian would by shy around me and not want to play with Rian since Aiden wasn't there, but those two had so much fun all day.

And check these two out:

Baby cousins!
Of course, my mom invited Aiden to spend the night. Going on weekend #8 with him not being here.
PS: How in the world is it already November?!