While I was brushing my teeth this morning, most of my belly was peeking out from my shirt, like it always is, and I saw a small red mark in my reflection. I tried to see it by looking at my belly, but because of where it is, I can only see it in the mirror. Steven was napping between jobs, I went in to wake him up and make him look at it... he confirmed my suspicions. A stretch mark. :( Nooo! I've felt my belly hasn't gotten much bigger, til about two weeks ago when I realized I can't see anything down yonder anymore! So it's obviously growing, by the day, probably the hour! I've been lathering lotion on it all day, being overly-dramatic, thinking it's going to actually prevent something.
Oh well... life of a mom!
There it is.
Braxton hicks have been out of control. They're not painful, but they are uncomfortable and annoying. I hope they're doing something, anything! I wasn't checked for dilation until I was 39 weeks with AJ and 38 weeks with Rian. I didn't care to know, especially with Rian, because it just made me too eager. I was 3cm with her at 38 weeks and three weeks later, I was only at 4. I think because this time I'm expecting to go 41 weeks, I kind of want to know. It'd give me peace of mind that these obnoxious fake contractions are getting me somewhere, even if it's just a little bit along the way. I guess I'll find out in a few more weeks!