Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 212 (35 weeks pregnant)

Here we are! The last few weeks of pregnancy. There will be an itty bitty in my arms so soon!

While I was brushing my teeth this morning, most of my belly was peeking out from my shirt, like it always is, and I saw a small red mark in my reflection. I tried to see it by looking at my belly, but because of where it is, I can only see it in the mirror. Steven was napping between jobs, I went in to wake him up and make him look at it... he confirmed my suspicions. A stretch mark. :( Nooo! I've felt my belly hasn't gotten much bigger, til about two weeks ago when I realized I can't see anything down yonder anymore! So it's obviously growing, by the day, probably the hour! I've been lathering lotion on it all day, being overly-dramatic, thinking it's going to actually prevent something.
Oh well... life of a mom!

There it is.

Braxton hicks have been out of control. They're not painful, but they are uncomfortable and annoying. I hope they're doing something, anything! I wasn't checked for dilation until I was 39 weeks with AJ and 38 weeks with Rian. I didn't care to know, especially with Rian, because it just made me too eager. I was 3cm with her at 38 weeks and three weeks later, I was only at 4. I think because this time I'm expecting to go 41 weeks, I kind of want to know. It'd give me peace of mind that these obnoxious fake contractions are getting me somewhere, even if it's just a little bit along the way. I guess I'll find out in a few more weeks!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 211

I was awake this morning, but not out of bed yet. Rian was up and about. I heard something fall, followed by crying...
I laughed when I saw her. Poor girl.
Today I sanitized my pump parts and bottles. I want to stencil a few more onesies and finish one of the swaddles I started a few months ago. Steven still needs to lower the straps on the car seat and we need to buy a swing, then we're about done. Oh and I need to pack for the hospital! I'll probably do that in a couple more weeks. I also need to fill out paperwork at the pediatrician (I'll do that at AJ's well check next month) and after that, preregister at the hospital. I love checking things off of my check list!
We also pumped up my yoga ball. I bounced on it at the very end of both of my pregnancies, but we blew it up early this time to see if sitting on it will relieve some of the pressure I've been having. It's helping some, thank God! I really feel like I'm on my last week, so close to giving birth, but I know I'm not. I hope it doesn't make these last 5-6 weeks feel extra long.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 210

I'm tired of wearing the same five shirts, so I'm wearing one of Steven's today. It's really long, so I have it folded up a little, but I was pretty surprised when I put it on and his XL fit so well. Yikes!

Caught these cuties actually loving each other!
My parents and Rachel were all off today, so they picked up Aiden and took him to the movies. Rian really wanted to go, but her first time needs to be with us, in case she doesn't last through. So we took her for some ice cream so she didn't feel so left out.
Afterwards we went to my parents house for dinner (two nights in a row being cooked for, heck yes!) and swimming.
Tonight I'm in a lot of pain. I'm pretty sure the baby dropped. Just when I thought I couldn't hurt anymore too. I'm trying to enjoy it all, soon I'll be missing this!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 209

A couple of days ago I started drinking raspberry leaf tea. It has a ton of benefits, mainly it helps contractions be as effective as possible when you have them. Next week I'm going to start drinking it twice a day. You can have up to four cups at the end of your pregnancy. The only bad thing is I don't really like the taste! I love tea, but this one has a flowery taste to me.

I'm also going to start taking evening primrose oil soon. Steven says its all hocus pocus, maybe it is, but it's definitely worth a try! They aren't things that'll put me into labor, but they're things that possibly help it speed along.

I love naptime!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 208

We did a whole lot of nothing today! We did go swimming over at my parents' house this morning. Came home did a small amount of tidying up and laundry. Then just lounged around. I'm feeling extra huge, tired of being hot. :\

We got to eat dinner together, which is always nice. (Saturdays the store closes an hour earlier, so it depends when Steven gets home if we get to or not.) Aiden brought home Tarzan (the cartoon version) from my parents' house and neither of us had seen it, so we watched it together.

Happy Saturday!
(Not really worth posting when I don't have picture or we have a fairly boring day, but I can't mess up my 365 days!)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 207

What. a. day.

These kids have been something else. They've gone down to the bottom of the behavior chart two days in a row.

I was really worried about the age gap between Rian and the baby. She'll be a few months shy of four. To some people, that's not a gap at all. But with only 16 months between my first two, four years is a lot! AJ and Rian are SO close, relationship wise. I didn't think the baby would be as included, obviously I don't know what things will be like when they're all older, but I know for the first couple of years, they'll all love each other so much. And it won't add as much to the craziness right away. I have a little room to breathe instead of having three kids piled up on top of each other every single second.

Clearly, God knew having my last baby with some space was just what I needed!
He makes the plans, that I need to remember.
I'm so grateful for the age gap that I was once so worried about!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 206

I turned the sprinkler on in the backyard when I woke up, after breakfast and cleaning up, we were still hanging out in the kitchen. The kids were playing legos and I was on the computer. I got up and noticed it was raining, I think it had been for awhile too! I don't know how we missed it.

Collecting rain drops.
Aiden knows it rains a lot in North Carolina, he wanted it to rain so bad while he was there! But I guess it only rained for a few minutes one day, and of course it rained here while he was gone. So he was soo happy to be running wild in the rain!
Summer is when we get the most rain and it's still barely any! I'm ready for the day we put a sprinkler system in the backyard, Steven always waters the front and I always water the back. I've been sooo lazy about it this year. I'm glad the grass got a good watering today. :)
The rest of the day was dark and cloudy, perfect.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 205 (34 weeks pregnant)

Six weeks left... 42 days! Wow.

My butt seems like its getting flatter as my belly gets bigger.
Some days I feel so ready. I don't think I look that big, but I feel so, sooo big. I can't even remember what it feels like to not have aches and pains. Then other days, I just want to keep this baby in there forever! No not really. I'm just trying to cherish every single day with this belly while I have it.
I haven't thought too much about labor, when I do, all I think about it the baby coming out. But this week, I've started getting a little nervous about it. I know I'll get through it, I've done it before twice, but it's still such an unpredictable thing. I just need to go back to focusing on the entire reason for it: meeting this little love bundle!

We went to the library this morning and one of Rian's picks was "I'm a Big Sister." She's so excited. She looks through it and says its her and the baby. I can't wait to see her with her new brother or sister. My (notso) baby's going to be a big sister!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 204

So weird waking up to a finished kitchen! It's going to take awhile to get used to it. :)

Today's the day my boy's coming home! Yay! Their last flight was landing at 2:15, then they have about a three hour drive home. I already knew this day was going to drag, especially with Rian asking when Aiden would be home nonstop, but we got to hang out with J and Oliver so that helped time pass quick! Love them.

After dinner, dishes and waiting for a few more minutes, we heard a honk. Rian was beside herself! She ran outside, Aiden ran right past her haha! He was running to me, my heart swelled. My parents told him to hug his sister, he did as fast as he could. He jumped right in my arms. Loved it and, of course, made me tear up.

My parents hung out for a little bit, talking about their trip and showing me pictures and videos. Aiden did so much stuff while he was there, the main things: boogie boarding and swimming without floaties, (we've been trying since last summer!) Him and Adrian slept in the top bunk together every night, swam all day, played video games and lasers and ate their favorite food everyday: pb&j sandwiches! They said he was such a good boy. Apparently he loves my brother! haha They also said he really liked baby Gabriella. I'm so thankful to my parents for taking him. I want him to know his family and distance makes that so hard.
The kids were so cute that night. So happy and excited to be together. :) It feels so good having him back home!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 203 (Kitchen: before and after)

Steven's dad came over at 8am and they started on the floor. Oh my gosh! Is this really happening?!

Meanwhile, I went to a baby check-up. I've gained 22lbs so far, not too bad. The midwife came in and looked at my info on the computer. She brought up the follow-up ultrasound and said, "Let's look at what they said about that." My heart started pounding. It'd been about two months since I had it and I've had a regular check up since, it was never brought up. She said "Baby looks perfect! Perfectly proportioned, except for long legs." That made me smile. :) She felt around for baby, then we listened to the heartbeat. We talked about not knowing the baby's gender, she said in her opintion mother's intuition is always right. I'm getting more and more anxious to meet this baby and see if I'm right!

She told me to try to get in with the new midwife, I'm wondering if the midwives at the office work the same as the doctors, taking turns being on-call. I'll have to ask next time. But when I made my next appointment, I wasn't asked who I wanted to see like they usually do, so I'm seeing the same midwife. Oh well. My next appointment's in two weeks, can't believe how close to the end we're getting.

Steven's Dad had to leave to get ready for work at noon, so Steven finished up. He also did the baseboard around the laundry room/his bathroom door. There are a few little details that we still need to take care of, but for the most part, our kitchen is done. It feels unreal. This was a long, loooong fourteen months! Well I guess I'm wrong, there are a couple of huge things: there's a leak in the roof that's messed up one of the kitchen walls. So that needs to be fixed. And also, there are two fans over the little dining area. I want there to be one, two is too much! I also want new light fixtures over the cooking area. But those things aren't urgent and a pain in the butt to live with like the floor situation.

One consistent floor throughout!

Before and After

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 202

We woke up to raaaaaaain! It rain all morning long, loved it.

But then it turned into another one of those days. Laid in bed feeling blue. :( I miss Aiden so much! Steven and his Dad were setting the island into place, because tomorrow they're putting the rest of the flooring in- omg! Feels too good to be true.

My mom sent me this picture of the boys at the movies:

They're about 8 1/2 months apart, Aiden is so little!
He's going to be one of the smallest kids in his class.
We went over to Steven's parents' house for supper, then came home and watched a movie. Excited for tomorrow. :) 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 201

This morning we went grocery shopping, then I came home and cleaned my day away. Nesting has hit! Hard. For a little awhile I wasn't sure how I'd get everything back in place, my kitchen was a disaster!

Things waiting to be put away.
Since the floor had been worked on, all my spice and baking supply jars were sooo dusty, since they're in the cabinets with chicken wire. Also, all of the stuff in my armoire was covered. I deep cleaned the kitchen and really wanted to keep going, but I had to force myself to stop. My feet and back were screaming.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 200

Rian always gets in bed with me when Steven gets up for Fed Ex, I swear her body has an internal alarm clock! I was so surprised when I opened my eyes and saw it was 8am. I don't remember the last time we slept til then. It was cloudy and wet when we woke up, we missed rain. Boo. Rian asked for donuts for breakfast, I couldn't say no. They sounded yummy and I didn't feel like cooking. We drove up the street to the donut shop then came home.

She took the biggest bite ever!
Afterwards we ran a few errands. I loved how cloudy it was, but the humidity. GROSS! I felt awful later that day. I was hoping my nausea wasn't making a third trimester return, but after a nap I felt so much better. I think it was from the donut. :(

Helping Daddy get through his work day: emojiis and pictures!
I started doing some stuff for AJ's birthday today. I felt like it was the least excited I've ever been for crafting. Even after my nap, I was dragging. That was probably why I just wasn't so into it.

Soon-to-be mom of a five-year-old and three kids.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 199

So much for our peaceful week! This girl has been nuts. Talking nonstop, singing at the top of her lungs, making silly faces all day long, running around the house like the wild child she is when her brother's here, but even more!  It's totally opposite of how I thought things would go. She has also been glued to Steven when he's at home. I love seeing that. :) All about Daddy these last couple of days, she found a new sidekick!

We've been doing sooo much reading! I don't mind it, but I run out of breath so easy these days. I especially love that she sits with stacks of books and makes up her own stories, I used to always do that too.

Or the books she really knows, she recites them so well!

My little supper helper.

We decided to only talk to AJ during the day. They've been calling at night before bed and he gets really emotional. :( He's been staying up late and waking up really early, playing and swimming all day, so he's overtired and missing his Momma by bedtime. He's good when we talk during the day though, thank goodness! Today I was really missing him. Tuesday feels so far away.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 198 (33 weeks pregnant)

The day I found out I was pregnant, I got a daily pregnancy app. It tells you how many days til your due date and gives a little thing to read everyday and obviously, baby's development every week. That day, there were 252 days til my EDD. Today there are 49. Where'd those 200 days go?!
My belly button pokes out a tiny bit, Rian's always messing with it and poking at it! Drives me nuts.

- Not much new going on this week, just the usual aches and pains!
- All around uncomfortable, even in my maternity shorts! It's too hot. This is definitely the worst time of year to be hugely pregnant. August is the hottest month and the month I'll be the biggest. Yikes!
- Baby's movements are getting stronger and more painful. I've gotten a few pictures of my lopsided belly, but pictures don't do it justice! This baby pokes out of me at every angle.
- No stretch marks, yet anyway. I got them on my boobs and butt with Aiden, then the last one or two weeks with Rian, I felt like I got a new one every day! I got them on my sides and a few on my lower belly with her. Fingers crossed my belly's stretched enough this time that I don't get any!
- LOTS of Braxton hicks.
- Utterly and totally exhausted.

Baby sticking his/her butt out!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 197

Rian was a perfect little angel today! It's odd going an entire day without having to yell or get mad! Looks like we have a nice, peaceful week ahead of us. :)
My current favorite picture of her, soo cute!

AJ called me at the first airport (they had a connecting flight once they got to NC.)
 He was so excited to get on the airplane. When they got to my brother's house and settled in, they FaceTimed us but he was way too busy running wild with Adrian to talk. I hope he has a fun week!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 196 (Real wood island top)

My beautiful real wood/extended island top is done and I LOVE it! Steven did a great job, it came out better than I could've imagined!

Before and After

The bead board still needs to be painted (my paint dried out! I need to get more) and attached, so once that's done I'll get two wood brackets for the overhang and stain them. It's so sturdy, it doesn't necessarily need them, but I want them for decorative purposes. It'll be so pretty!
An up-close of the boarder

(Finished kitchen pictures in post Day 203)
Tomorrow's the big trip to North Carolina. They have to drive three hours to get to the airport and since they're leaving really early in the morning, it was best that AJ spent the night. I was so sad packing his suitcase! :( I can't imagine having to do that for my child multiple times a year, it made me extra sad for divorced parents. But of course, my big guy was excited and anxious to go all day!
He wanted to "drive" his suitcase.
Last year for preschool, he had a smaller-sized backpack. But papers and folders didn't easily fit in, so I got him this regular-sized backpack for Kinder. It looks giant on him!
It was hard to say bye, I'm surprised I kept it together so well. See you next Tuesday, baby boy! (I wonder how old the kids will be when I'll stop calling them "baby"... maybe I never will.)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 195

Last weekend I said to Steven, "I'm not mad or annoyed or anything, but I think it's funny that when you want something done, it happens right away, but I have to wait forever when I want something." (He's been building a new roll cage for his Jeep, blah blah blah.)

So today, he started building my island top. Ha! Maybe he was feeling guilty?

Lots of progress!
By the end of his work day, before we had to leave for the evening.
I wish I had step by step pictures, so I could do a tutorial, but he was working outside and no way did I want to be out there watching/taking pictures. Too hot!
It's a few pieces, the bottom is one chunk of wood and the top is five planks of wood. I wish they could be more spaced apart, but since it's in the kitchen and crumbs, etc. would get stuck, so they're pretty close together. You can see them if you're up close, obviously. Then there's a boarder around. When he first told me about adding a boarder, I couldn't picture it and thought it was a horrible idea. I originally pictured it being an even rectangle shape, with no sort of design. But it actually makes it look extra nice! Tomorrow it just needs to be sanded, stained and given a protective coat.

Tonight, I was laying on my side and the baby was doing his/her usual gymnastics, except this time it was extra, extra low. Right above my pubic bone. I'm sure it's normal, but in my three pregnancies, I've never felt a baby that low! I felt the movement inside and from the outside with my hand. I feel like this baby's going to just fall out!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 194

I'm exhausted today.

The kids have been nuts all day.

It felt like the longest day ever!

Saturdays Steven goes straight from one job to the other, sometimes we see him if he switches vehicles in between or comes home for lunch. When he got off, we met my parents for dinner then he came home and fell right to sleep. :( But I don't blame him!

He's starting his new position August 1, he'll continue to work at both jobs until the baby comes so we don't have to worry about insurance switches, etc. I'm really nervous about the income loss, but so happy we'll get to have (a little bit) more time with him and that he won't be so tired all of the time.
Of course, the kids were still wound up like never before and I just wanted to be in my bed. I finally got them to settle down, after they talked and laughed from their bedrooms for a few minutes. Rian fell asleep first, so I let Aiden come into bed with me. We looked at his photo albums then watched Good Luck Charlie and went to sleep. While we were looking at pictures and watching tv, he kept telling me he loved me. Kissing up! But I loved every second of it.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 193

Rian and I went grocery shopping this morning, after we took the food home and picked up AJ, we stopped by the Grandparent's house to water their plants then headed to the library. It's right by their house so we've gone often the last two weeks!

I love how much my kids love books!
I've been putting the kids in their rooms for "Quiet Time" every day since summer vacation started. It's no big deal if they don't nap, (I just like eating my lunch in peace!) Rian usually sleeps every day. Today I let Aiden come out as soon as I knew she was asleep. I wanted to spend some extra time with just my big guy.

A little later, I made oatmeal cookies for the first time. I like raisins, but not in cookies, so I made them with mini chocolate chips. They're sooo good!

Waiting so patiently. :)
 It was nice having quality alone time with each of the kids today. They're so different when they're not together. I actually get to really, REALLY enjoy them! Not that I don't when they're together, it's just nonstop craziness when they are. We definitely need to make individual kid dates a bigger priority as they get older.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 192

The kids love helping in the kitchen.

Rian stirring her oatmeal this morning.
At the beginning of the year, my Dad took out my old Legos and Aiden loved them! They kept him occupied for hours. They'd gotten him a huge box of store brand legos for Christmas, but I didn't take them out because I didn't think he'd be interested and they'd just be all over. But after seeing how well he did, I took them out. Sadly, the ones we have aren't the greatest, they're hard to put together or come apart too easily. The kids didn't have Legos here until a couple of months ago when Steven's dad took them to the store and they both came home with a new toy. Rian picked Legos- eek!
I'm surprised at how well they do with them. They always pick them up and build and build and build! It's going to be so different when the baby's here, my house is so longer baby-proofed, I've gotten used to being able to have picture frames and books at low levels and doors unlocked and itty bitty toys everywhere. Legos will be a very rare thing when the baby's mobile!
Today, was Aiden's first time building something by following the directions.
So proud!
And super impressed. :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 191 (32 weeks pregnant)

Two more months to go! Why does that seem so far away all of a sudden?!

- It's soo stinking hot. When I was this pregnant with AJ during the summer, I sat in the living room with the ceiling fan on and a floor fan pointed right at me. Ugh! These days I don't even want to wear clothes.

- My hip pain showed back up this week. :( It was so nice not having to deal it with it the last few weeks!

- I also need to get used to my feet hurting by the end of the day. Aching, pounding, swollen feet. I feel like most of this has to do with the heat.

- I started wearing my ridiculous big glasses again, I put my regular ones on the other day and they looked funny! My face must be getting bigger.

- This week Baby's started doing some crazy stretching, I can feel him/her pushing out from both sides of my belly. OUCH! It takes me breath away, it hurts.

My 32nd week with Rian.
Look at Aiden's little shaggy head down there, love!
I think I look all around smaller this time, but I feel so much bigger. I didn't have this kind of pain before. I'm so curious to know how much this baby will weigh! Some days I'm positive s/he'll be on the bigger side like his/her brother and sister, but some days I don't think so. Only 8-9 more weeks til we know! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 190

Steven had a meeting for work out of town today, so he was gone when we woke up. We got ready and went for breakfast at my favorite muffin place. Yum. :) Before leaving, I asked the kids if they wanted to go to story time, they said no. :\ But they did want to go check out new books, that was good enough for me! We still had an hour before the library opened after we finished breakfast (we're such early birds!) so we went and watered the plants at Steven's parents house, then to the nearby Walmart to kill some time. I ended up getting AJ a new backpack for Kinder and some supplies so I can start crafting for his birthday. Eek! It'll be here before I know it. Then off to the library we went!

Today I was thinking, in one week he's going on his trip to North Carolina, he'll be gone for one week. When he gets back, he'll only have three more weeks until he starts school. When I think about it that way, it's so sooo soon. :( There are days, the ones that are crazy and hectic and the kids aren't listening at all, that I can't wait til he's back in school. But most of the time, I just can't believe how quick time flew by and my first baby is about to be in school full-time, til the time I'm like 50-something. It makes me want to hit the brakes now, more than ever before.

I got the kids activity books a few weeks back, we try to do them everyday. I love their love for learning.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 189

When we woke up this morning, Steven said he'd go grocery shopping for me. Yes! The kids wanted to go with him, he always says yes to them, I like to go without them as much as possible! Probably because I have to do it way more than he does and they actually behave for him.

I had breakfast, watered my flowers, cleaned the kitchen, then sat down to read my Bible and have coffee. Oh man, it was so relaxing. I felt like a whole new person after that quiet time.
Last week I stained our desk, painted the drawers and added hardware to them (you can see it in the background.) About a year ago, I added lace contact paper to the top of it. I've seen so many two-toned desks on Pinterest that I love, I'm getting still used to mine. It's alright. It's such a plain desk to begin with, its from a Military barrack's room, so there's no detail or anything to it. It looks better than it did, but I don't love it. Maybe I'll paint it. I don't know, I just don't want there to be too much wood in here when the new flooring's put down! Or maybe I just like always having something to do. :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 188

Getting ready for church and remembered the last time I wore this dress:
17w4d                            31w4d
My itty bitty belly. I should do another one when I'm in my 39th week, I bet there will be a huge difference.
When I got home, Steven already had two things checked off of his "Honey Do" list. Love that! The cabinet that our cups and mugs are in has been door less for over a year, I've been wanting him to cut out the centers so I can add chicken wire, but they were put away during the big kitchen tile blow out and I never took them back out. We're both "out of sight, out of mind" type people, so it kept getting put off. Finally I can get them done!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 187

This morning's breakfast scene:
Oh sure, help yourself!
The kids always come into our room right when they wake up, unless they're already sleeping in the bed. Last week, I didn't get up right when Aiden came in, so he went and made himself breakfast. This morning, he didn't even come in my room. I got up because I heard noise and there he was. Made me laugh! But good thing I got there in time since he grabbed a brand new jug of milk. I hate to think of the mess he could've made!

My emotions have been out of control lately. I feel so mean, grumpy and every little thing, even the dumbest stuff, annoys me to NO end. I don't remember being like this, not even a little bit, with the other two. Or maybe I just blocked all of the bad stuff out and only remember the good? Nah. This pregnancy's a lot like the kind they always portray on tv. Seriously, you should see me try to get up from the couch! I always thought it was so dumb how they struggle to sit/stand up on tv shows, but now I'm one of those kind of preggies.

Usually I feel better after I have a good cry and something sweet. But we didn't have anything tonight, I feel like we hardly ever do... which made me want to cry again.

I settled for crunchy (eh. I prefer creamy) peanut butter with some mini chocolate chips in it and alone time in my room.
I'm ready to feel like normal human being again!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 186

My plans for today were to buy a few outfits to have on hand for the baby. The pile of newborn and 0-3 month stuff I have, for boy or girl, is so tiny:

(I also have another small pile of onesies I made and that were made at my shower.)

Originally, I thought I'd go buy clothes after the baby gets here and we know who s/he is, but the more I thought about it, the worse that idea sounded. Having a newborn is already hectic as it is, but I'll also have to be taking AJ to and from school every day, that alone sounds tiring! I don't want to have to go shopping too.

So I wanted to get a few things that I'll leave the tags on and have somebody, probably my Mom, wash for us while we're still at the hospital. Then return what I don't need another time. A few months ago, the entire baby clothes section at Target and Kohl's was nothing but cuteness. That was a moment when not knowing the gender was actually hard. I was super excited to get some things today!

But. There really wasn't much I liked. Bummer!

I love the set of yellow and white pant rompers. Eek!
What I have will get us by til I need to go out and get more. Except before baby comes, I'm going to rebuy "Going Home" onesies. The two that I picked out are huge. I was comparing them to other newborn onesies and they're pretty much the same size as the 3-6 month ones. I need something way smaller!
While we were out and about, I saw a few things for AJ on sale and thought I better start shopping for school. Kindergarten shopping- wah! :( He's going to be in a uniform, the other color is royal blue, but if you get the blue shirt it has to have the school logo. I'm going to check them out sometime soon.
He'll still be stylin!
I didn't love the uniform idea at first, but now I don't really care. I'm not looking forward to it for Rian though. Boy uniforms are what a lot of little boys already wear, girl clothes are cute and fun! Girl uniforms, not so much. Boo.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 185

Fourth of July!

That means Steven's off at Discount today and tomorrow at Fed Ex (they always work on the holiday and have the next day off instead.) We always love having an extra day with our guy!

I went to Joann for a few things, without the kids! It was soo nice. I turned down one of the aisles, as I was asked if I needed any help. When I turned around to say that I was okay, the girl recognized me and said, "Dang! You haven't been here in soo long! And you're pregnant!" Oh my goodness! It made me laugh that she not only recognized me, but knew I hadn't been there in so long. We used to go at least once a week. My shopping is definitely at an all time low since Baby came about! :)

Red, white and blue!
We went over to my parents' house for swimming and a bbq.

I was really bummed we wouldn't be seeing any fireworks this year. They used to do them at the fairgrounds and the country club, we live right behind both places, so we always saw them for free from our driveway. Perfect. They stopped doing them at the fairgrounds in 2009 and didn't do them at the Club this year. Boo. :( It especially bummed me out because the kids were SO excited for them. I hope they come back next year!
It wouldn't have mattered anyway though, Steven and the kids were all asleep by 8:00! Such a fun day out in the sun.
Happy Independence Day!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 184 (31 weeks pregnant)

This morning when I stepped outside to water my flowers, I heard the beautiful sound of sprinkling! For people that live here, where it hardly ever rains, that's a very exciting sound! We'll take what we can get.
The kids were inside eating breakfast, I went in and told them it was sprinkling. Aiden just looked at me, smiled and nodded his head. I said, "It's raining a little bit!" and they came running out and danced around in it.
He told me, "I thought you were talking about sprinkles, like the kind for cupcakes." haha!
It was overcast, and with the sun hidden, it was perfect out. We stayed outside for almost three hours, as it drizzled off and on. Such a nice morning!
I can't believe there are only nine weeks until my due date, wow. Baby's movements are getting painful, s/he's already running out of room and still has lots of growing to do! On my lower left side, I'm constantly getting what I'm guessing is an elbow jabbing me. We've been doing a lot of swimming lately and for some reason, that's when I feel it the most! And on the top of my belly, towards the right, there's often a shifting of some sort, I think it's the butt. At my last appointment, Baby was still head down. It's always so crazy how they can tell if they're in the correct position by just grabbing and feeling through the Mom's belly.
Sonic has become my home away from home. I've never been a big Icee/slushy person, but I can't get enough of those dang strawberry Slushes! And for them to have a happy hour Oh geez. I can't stop!
Thirty one weeks!
Front view:
I feel huge.

I'm going to miss the tightness of my belly though, when this is all over. I don't miss my saggy Mommy tummy one single bit. I'm already dreading seeing it again.